Thanks for coming to the Forum Info-Tech pricing page. Whether you’re looking for cloud hosting, Managed IT Services, or both; if you have a full IT Staff on-site, or if you want us to be your IT staff, we’re here to help.
To find out more about FIT’s pricing for your unique needs, please answer a few questions and we’ll give you an estimate based on your answers.
Let’s get started.
With FIT LevelCloud, your data is backed up in three separate locations and tested consistently to make sure it’s always ready in case of an emergency. We call this Data Care.
In addition, our talented technical team will manage your servers in the cloud, make sure they are consistently updated, running at peak performance, and optimized for cost savings. We call this Server Care.
How many Network Devices (like wireless access points or firewalls) do you have?
Thanks again for coming to the Forum Info-Tech pricing page! We know that FIT's pricing will be tailored to your needs based on your answers, so go ahead and click the button below to view your results!