The Ultimate Guide to Building a Cybersecurity Strategy For Your Business

cyber security plan on a paper sheet

It’s the digital age and we all have to find ways to survive in it! With the threat of cybercrime around every online corner, it’s a matter of digital life or death to have a strong cybersecurity strategy in place for your business.

Creating a comprehensive cybersecurity plan can feel overwhelming because you’re bombarded with opinions and advice: implement all these tools, install these programs, and make your IT person take care of it all. But you don’t need to be intimidated—arming yourself with the right knowledge is much easier than you think!

Let’s break down the basics so that you can get started on building out your own security strategy.

What Is a Cybersecurity Strategy?

A cybersecurity strategy is a holistic plan of action that outlines the steps you will take to protect your business from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. It includes elements such as risk management, employee training, and cybersecurity tools. The goal is to ensure that your business data and networks are secure from malicious actors and other forms of cyberattack.

Just like we’ll never get rid of crime on the street, we’ll never be able to completely avoid cybercrime. In the last year, we saw:

  • Cybercriminals breaking through 93% of company networks
  • 22 billion exposed records

Every business needs a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to safeguard its data, networks, and systems. This includes both large corporations and small businesses alike.

When we say comprehensive, we don’t mean huge and complicated. You know your business best, so you’ll know exactly what’s the most important to protect. And if you’re a small business owner, don’t think you’re not a target. 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses because they usually don’t have the resources to defend themselves.

Simple Steps for Creating a Cybersecurity Strategy

Creating a comprehensive strategy will take effort and a little bit of help. Here are some simple steps you can take to get started:

1. Identify Your Assets and Vulnerabilities With a Security Risk Assessment 

Take inventory of all the technology, networks, data, etc. associated with your business and identify any potential weak points that could be targeted by malicious actors.

2. Set Security Goals

Do you need to protect against data loss? Are you worried about malicious software infiltrating your system? What are the potential risks of a breach and how can you mitigate them? The best way to set actionable goals is to work with a managed service provider, but we’ll get to that.

3. Evaluate Your Technology and Current Maturity

Take stock of your current technology and figure out if it’s up-to-date with the latest security features available.

4. Review Your Current Policies and Gaps in Compliance

Discontinue any outdated policies and recognize gaps that might exist because of new regulations.

5. Develop a Risk Management Plan

Once you know your risks and objectives, create a risk management plan that outlines the steps you will take to protect against vulnerabilities.

6. Implement Your Security Strategies

Implementing your strategies is the most important step in creating a comprehensive cybersecurity plan. This includes investing in the right tools, training your employees on security protocols, and monitoring for suspicious activity.

7. Set Up Regular Security Audits

Regularly audit your IT infrastructure to identify any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities that need to be addressed.

With these steps in mind, you can start building out your security strategy. It doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming and it’s easier to accomplish than you may think. They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago but the second best time to plant one is today—the same applies to your cybersecurity!

The Best Way to Save Money and Build a Strong Strategy

Many people find that they need some help to know what to do and how to do it. Our advice? Don’t do it alone. Working with a managed service provider can save you time and money while providing your business with the best possible security solutions and strategies.

A managed service provider (MSP) is an IT services company that specializes in cybersecurity strategies and other technology-related services. They’ll make sure that you use only the tools and strategies you need, instead of implementing everything under the sun.

Working with an MSP is more like a partnership, not a one-and-done experience. If you want a strategy that works for you long-term, you’ll have to commit to communicating and collaborating with your MSP frequently. After all, it’s your livelihood that they’re protecting! It will be an investment of time and a little bit of money, but it pays itself back quickly, especially if you ever experience a data breach.

Simplify a Cybersecurity Strategy With Forum Info-Tech

A cybersecurity strategy isn’t a luxury in today’s world; it’s a necessity. Working with an MSP is the best way to make sure that your business stays secure and that you get the most bang for your buck.

With Forum Info-Tech, you get the best of both worlds: our tech experts have the skills and knowledge to provide you with the most up-to-date cybersecurity strategies, while our friendly and approachable team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Schedule a consultation today! Whether you’re looking for a trusted partner to help protect your business from cyber threats or just want to make sure your technology is working as it should, trust Forum Info-Tech—we’ve got you covered!